About Cyprus

Cyprus: The Birthplace of Aphrodite… Goddess of Love and Beauty!

It is no coincidence that the Goddess of Beauty and Love was born on this wonderful island…. According to Greek mythology, the Goddess of Love and Beauty emerged from the foam of the sea, generously spreading beauty, love and Venus throughout the island, So…It is no coincidence, that everyone considers Cyprus the island of beauty, love and venus!

With a history of 11,000 years, the island has a huge cultural heritage.

Churches with Byzantine icons, Museums with mosaics and castles of another era… The Paradise on earth! Where one meets the old with the new…

At the crossroads of the world at the meeting point of great civilisations, Cyprus has developed – and for thousands of years has maintained – its own civilisation centre. It has remained a thriving centre of Greek culture with some specific characteristics.

The island is now a full member of the European Union. The Island of Aphrodite is the third largest island in the Mediterranean, situated in the east and in close proximity to the busy trade routes linking Europe with the Middle East, Russia, Central Asia and the Far East. Cyprus is enriched with a culture that combines elements of the West and the East, bringing together the best of both worlds.

Cyprus has a rich heritage, beautiful beaches with the cleanest bathing waters in Europe, fresh air, a wonderful Mediterranean climate and cosmopolitan cities with an abundance of amenities. The island offers a low cost but high standard of living and is a very popular year round destination for Europeans seeking a coastal or golf holiday

Cyprus has a modern, free-market, service based economy and is a favoured business destination due to its strong set of business and taxation advantages. Additionally, the island is very safe and stable making it an ideal location for families and students. Cyprus is rapidly recovering from recent economic turmoil thanks to significant activities in the shipping, tourism, financial & legal services sectors.



Cyprus is an emerging regional energy hub, since the discovery of huge hydrocarbon reserves in its Exclusive Economic zone the island has seen a surge in foreign investment and development. Cyprus enjoys world-class property rights and solid investment, trade, labour, business and financial freedom.

With all these energy developments the prospects there are many possibilities Cyprus to become an energy hub in the Mediterranean.



Cyprus is committed to ensuring the security of its energy supply, protecting the environment, fostering healthy competition in the energy sector and encouraging the development of renewable energy technologies and production. Cyprus also aims to positively contribute to the European energy security of supply. Cyprus ranks first in the world in solar energy use for water heating in households, and has achieved significant progress in the production of energy from Renewable Energy Sources (RES). The most important projects relating to power generation from RES concern wind parks and photovoltaic parks.


Green Cyprus

The Cyprus Republic seeks to contribute significantly to the green transition and environmental sustainability through the achievement of national targets for climate neutrality, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.



The legal system in Cyprus as EU membership, has harmonized its laws and regulations in line with the acquis Communautaire.


Land registry office

The Land Registry system is one of the most advanced and reliable systems in the world. Purchasers of property in Cyprus will be far more secure with regards to matters such as title deeds than they might be in other Mediterranean countries.


Financial – Taxation

The attractive tax system of Cyprus, together with its EU accession has helped Cyprus establish itself as an ideal holding company located in the EU. There are over 17,000 foreign companies that currently use Cyprus. Some of the main advantages of the taxation system are:

  • Cyprus’ current tax system is in full compliance with the EU and OECD.
  • Taxable profits of all Cypriot companies are taxed at the rate of 12.5%.
  • Gains from the disposal of securities are tax exempt.
  • Profits earned from a permanent establishment abroad are fully exempt from corporation tax.
  • Dividend income received in Cyprus from a foreign corporation is wholly exempt from taxes in Cyprus.
  • Interest income earned from trading activities, is subject to income tax at 12.5%.
  • No withholding tax on dividends and interest paid to non-residents of Cyprus.
  • Group relief provisions for companies resident in Cyprus.
  • Capital gains are not subject to tax, except on sale of immovable property situated in Cyprus.
  • No Import Tax.


System of Health

Health in Cyprus is top. There are Government and Private healthcare everywhere.

Cyprus has a mixed public-private healthcare system. The quality of the healthcare system is considered of high standard and also is relatively inexpensive. Also the Private healthcare is top. Government and private hospitals are located in all major cities.


The Education

The level of education in Cyprus is top-notch.

In all cities, there are State and Private Kindergartens, Elementary, Middle Schools, Lyceums, and Universities.

All educational institutions are of high standards, giving the opportunity of education to all children.

Many branches of universities abroad are based in Cyprus.

They are all high standard institutions with an emphasis on providing high quality education in both lower and higher education and the creation of applied knowledge.

They focus on providing optimal academic services to the wider society, both nationally and internationally.

All educational institutions are of international quality standards, with increased social responsibility with excellent academic practices aimed at contributing and development; the advancement of science through processes of innovative pedagogical learning methods, the development of research and the development of young high-level scientists and public relations.


Quality of Life

Cyprus offers an enviable lifestyle in a clean and healthy environment with a high standard of living. Living and working in Cyprus are directly related to fabulous weather, beautiful nature, art and culture, safety, security, and above all, hospitable and warm people. It is the combination of all these factors that makes the experience of living on the island extremely desirable and attractive.